Welcome to Your Homepage for Your Mini-Site!
This page is all about you! In the right-hand sidebar, you will place your professional photo, contact information, social media links, and other mico sites you would like to include such as Sandals, Disney, or Funjet for example!
In this location, you will have your Personal Profile which will include several paragraphs about you and what you do, 2-3 vacation photos and a great signature file. Use this location to allow your clients to get to know you! Opportunities to keep this profile updated – no problem!
Below your profile will be your Preferred Supplier links that will link directly to one of YOUR supplier landing pages.
There are 40 Plus custom supplier landing pages that are maintained for you with the latest offers, videos if applicable and information. DAILY custom and professional automated Facebook posts will connect directly back to these pages. Not to a supplier page!
In addition, you can include client testimonials! A great way to let your visitors know what a great job you do!
For just a few dollars a day – you can have a Custom Mini-Website, 40 Plus Preferred Supplier Landing pages, Daily automated Facebook Posts, and more!
CONTACT US today for our COVID RELIEF discount offer, and Annual and Semi-Annual discounts. If you are an agency owner, contact us for exclusive agency offers!
Call or text your questions today, 772.559.5436 or use our contact form
Want to set up a live Demo? Pick a time that works for you here
Ready to Get Started? Submit your mini-site info and we’ll get you set up today!